Romanian Hungarian English French Italian Spanish German
  • The prices for translations to and from English, French, Spanish, Italian are calculated on base of the number of characters of the actually translated text.
  • The prices for translations to and from German, Hungarian are calculated on base of the number of characters of the actually translated text.
  • The prices for translations to and from Russian, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian are calculated on base of the number of characters of the actually translated text.
  • The prices for translations to and from Greek, Arabic, Dutchstart are calculated on base of the number of characters of the actually translated text.
  • Prices for simultaneous and consecutive interpreting are calculated on base of the number of the disponibility hours.

Prices are calculated on base of the number of characters of the actually translated text, method of calculation imposed by the Ministry of Justice through the Law of Translators.

To find the exact price of the translation of a material, please send us the material and, depending on the destination and source languages of the translation, the degree of difficulty, the volume and the deadline of the work, we will make an estimate as soon as possible.

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